Donate to The Sky Is My Limit

Help Individuals. Help the Community.

The Sky is My Limit offers local Ghanaians living with mental and physical disabilities a level of independence and self-worth they are unlikely to achieve in their communities on their own. This is not possible without the donations made by generous people like you.

Our residents learn how to live and work together, and how to participate and contribute to their communities. Their communities, in return, learn how to accept people with mental and physical disabilities, and how to appreciate those individuals and all that they can offer. This is not possible without you.

In fact, it is quite often your donations that motivate us further – to engage more Ghanaian youth, to develop our workshops and grow our reach, to improve our relationships with Ghanaian communities, and to grow The Sky Is My Limit’s impact in Ghana. To know that you are behind us only makes us more confident and stronger.

Without you, we cannot reach for the Sky.


Your Donation Goes Directly To…

-       Feeding residents of The Sky House and its Women’s Residence,

-       Constructing and maintaining residences and workshops,

-       Purchasing materials/tools for agricultural and craft pursuits,

-       Salaries for resident staff, mentors, and Ghanaian directors,

-       Transitional support for residents upon graduation, and

-       Well-digging efforts in the Volta Region.

We are proud of what we have accomplished thus far in Ghana, and we could never have done it without you. There is yet so much more to do – so much more that we intend to accomplish for Ghanaian youth and our surrounding communities – and your incredible generosity is what makes it all possible. Thank you.